Wednesday, March 4, 2015

A Salad A Day

Most folks I know want to eat more fruits and vegetables, want to eat healthier -- myself included -- but wanting is not the same thing as doing.  So, what is it that stops us?  Maybe the notion of eating a salad a day sounds boring.  Or, too difficult to have enough ingredients to change it up daily.

Eating healthy is even trickier at lunch time.  You don't want something that will take too long.  You need something filling, but not too filling that it puts you in a food coma and induces sleep.  Lunch breaks are often short, an hour or less, so you have to maximize that time.  Sometimes, it's better for your career to eat with your colleagues and just go with the flow.  Everyone wants to eat at ________, why should I be the "health nut?"

David Bez decided to do something about it.  SALAD LOVE is not a cookbook, he even states that from the start.  It's more like a photo diary with ingredients listed underneath as "captions."  Bez makes it seem easier by showing us many alternatives.  Vegetarian alternatives.  Raw.  Omnivore.  Fruits and grains.  Different combinations.  Bez helps you imagine the possibilities when you feel stuck, or too exhausted to think.  His salads and the photographs inspire us to love our bodies.

I received Salad Love from Blogging for Books in return for my thoughtful review.

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