Sunday, September 23, 2018

The Joys of Trombocini

Aka Zucchetta

Even vegetables like to neck.
Behold my three trombocini!
Yes, in case you're wondering, I grew these.  I know, it's amazing!
Not available in stores.  My friends asked, where do I get there heirloom squashes?

Triple digit temperatures killed my vegetable garden several times, and nearly depleted my joy for gardening.  So much love, sweat and labor, and the sun burnt my plants to a crisp.  Had to buy those pricey heirloom tomatoes.  I felt so defeated, and ready to relinquish my plot in the community garden.  

Then my trombocini grew into these beautiful shapes and renewed my delight.  Ignited my imagination.  What can you make with trombocini?  I sauteed them with olive oil and garlic.

Trombocini and Seattle butter clams.

Trombocini pie.

Oh, trombocini.  Let me count the joys, and the dishes!

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