Friday, December 30, 2011

New Year, New Beginnings, Get Lucky in 2012

Come join me in changing our "luck" in 2012!

We'll be on the beach.  Inspiring views.  Inspiring stories.  Inspiring people.  Click on link for more information.

Do you consider yourself lucky?  Why, or why not?

And it's FREE!!!  But you must RSVP.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Sensuous Gourmet & The Szechuan Peppercorn

My play SENSUOUS GOURMET & THE SZECHUAN PEPPERCORN was one of six plays chosen for n.u.f.a.n. ensembles Table & Chairs Festival.  The play will be performed in Chicago at the ViaDuct Theater October 17th and 18th.

Sheri, AKA the Sensuous Gourmet, teaches Travis that if you know how to eat, you know how to make love.   You eat with your mouth, your eyes, your lips, your tongue....dinner is foreplay.   Yes, it's a comedy.

If you're in Chicago, or know people in the Chicago, please send them.  If you're interested in reading the play, you'll find the comedy in a collection of short food themed plays called SCENES FROM A CHINESE RESTAURANT, available on Amazon and through JAC PUBLISHING.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Lucy Goes To Smith College

Please come and/or send your friends my way.  Will be a fun evening.  Lots of laughter and community.